Boston & NH Traffic Reports
Looking for Boston & NH traffic reports?
eAlerts system is designed to send you an alert if traffic
conditions become
abnormally congested in the area that you travel so that you
can find an alternate route before you get stuck in traffic. eAlerts
can be sent to your Email address, Cell Phone, PDA, or Pager! Alerts
are mainly sent for accidents. We do not typically send alerts for
areas that are commonly congested.
Our traffic alerts can be customized to meet your
most commonly traveled routes. We offer traffic alerts by county or
by major roadways in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Currently, we are reporting
about 85% of the traffic problems on major roadways. We do
not always send out eAlerts for secondary roadway accidents. Traffic
alerts are currently sent out from 6:30am - 6:00pm, Monday - Friday
In most cases, you will receive an eAlert BEFORE
emergency vehicles have even arrived on the accident scene or before
crews arrive to relieve traffic for other traffic obstructions,
giving you plenty of time to find an alternate route!
As a free service, we offer free
accounts to NH and MA Police Departments, Fire Departments and other
agencies and departments that would like to notify their residents
in the event of an emergency that causes traffic delays or other
Contact your local NH town and tell
them about our free service.
Sorry, we have discontinued our traffic reports and eAlerts service